Nicki Minaj recently did a photo shoot for XXL that featured her a la Marilyn Monroe. While I'm not a big fan of hers, I am a huge fan of that bracelet. It's all about size, or so I've heard! (LOL)
I looked around for a similar one and found a very affordable one at
Torrid for $12 and an uber-cute one by
Betsey on Bbay (love the bow). But the best one was at a random store called
Silver Fever - it resembles Nicki's the most and won't break the bank.
If my GF hadn't already gotten me an anniversary present for this Saturday, I'd be hinting at this bracelet. (*__*)

As a big Gaga Geek (._.) I love to see how she's affected fashion overall. She's helped take the glitz and glam trends one step further but you can't deny the effect she's had on dark fashion either.
For example, remember the spine monsters on Bad Romance? Check out this Marly Gommans dress with ruffled spine detail. It's just one of those dark quirks that Gaga has brought to light. You can see the full photo shoot by Joost van Brug
@ Trendhunter or on
his website.

So is the butt bustle coming back? I snapped
a girl at local fashion show back in February who was also sporting some butt ruffles. And anyone who caught Project Runway 2 weeks ago remembers Michael Kors going to town on
Jay's ass-accentuating dress because no woman would want to look like she had a big butt or big hips. I personally love a little junk in the trunk.
Marko Mitanovski doesn't mind highlighting it. You can see pics from his deliciously dark collection
at WithAsianStereotypes or watch the runway show show on
his website. It's sure to tickle (maybe even lick and suck) your Gothic bone.

I this picture of ruffle socks over at TokyoFashion.com and I was overcome with nostalgia. I miss those ruffly, lacy socks my mom bought me when I was little!
We always got them when we went down to Mexico because you could buy a dozen pairs for like $2. Thus my sisters and I had quite a collection until fifth grade deemed them unfit.
The whole
heels-with-sock thing is back so I'm wondering if
ruffly socks with heels would be faux pas? Especially because I already have a pair with black lace and a little skull on the side.

Once upon a time, the great angel Alexiel rebelled against God because she was disgusted with corruption in Heaven... or so the story goes in the manga Angel Sanctuary. Artistically dark, it's one of my favorites for bondage-style outfits and twisted characters.
When I saw these black leather spats on my Reader, I automatically thought of Alexiel. She's got that white purity of an angel but all that black leather symbolizes her rebellion.
Made by Steampunk designers
AudraJean in San Francisco, the spats are really high fashion and a unconventional alternative to thigh-high boots for anyone looking to be unconventional and maybe even start their own rebellion.