The shirt is from Hot Topic via Alex's mom. Alex told me that she enjoyed shopping for girly clothing.
Behind me is Alex's tree that she has yet to take down. The color scheme is gorgeous.
... So I lost my job last Thursday.
Although it was my mistake with a contest we were running, I seems like too stupid a detail for termination. The sales guy I worked with was also let go so maybe there was something more.
My new hair color and style aren't just for the new year but for the interview process. Although I loved my pink, red and blond hair, I doubt HR will.
Today I was scrambling to find want ads on Craigslist. So far I've applied for HTML coding. Tomorrow is about administrative and marketing assistant positions.
I'm considering doing my web design full time but it's such a big risk.
Hey hunny! Sorry to hear about your job situation, but I love your positive outlook! Fingers crossed for a new better opportunity to come your way! :)
p.s cute dress and diggin the hair!
good luck with finding a new job! we're in the same boat. :) love the lace on your dress!
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