Monday, June 07, 2010

Keepin' Your Desktop Fashionable

Today, I noticed my coworker had changed her desktop wallpaper - same soccer team, different style. Soccer is her thing just like fashion is my thing. Sometimes we geek out about stuff the other one doesn't understand but we understand the fandom. And part of the fandom usually includes something as simple as changing your desktop or mobile wallpaper. So for all you fashion and style geeks, here's some wallpapers I found on one of those obscure wallpaper sites: PulsarMedia.

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fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog

There's more on the website but these are some of my favorites. I added them to my "Fashion Wallpaper" folder at home & work. I have quite a few vector images. In case you don't know about vectors, they are the cleanest form of digital art. You make seamless shapes with lines and then overlap them, adding gradients where needed. I've done a few logos with them and perfection only comes with practice. I'm no where near this good so I totally respect vectors as a form of digital art, especially when they're this cute.

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fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog

And if you're as "shallow" as I am, then you might need a matching phone wallpaper. They're sized at 240x320 b/c I have an iPhone but your phone can resize them automatically. If you can't upload them directly to your phone, e-mail them to your phone as media messages. The best way to get this e-mail is to send a photo from your phone to your e-mail. Then you can reply with the wallpaper as an attachment.

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fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog fashion vector,phone wallpaper,desktop background,style geek,fashion blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job, if you need some more quality vector free or images for you can download them from Cannypic, this is great content storage for your blog or website. Try to and I'm sure you'll like it.