Pieces by Elia de Leon

SG: When did you know you wanted to be a fashion designer?
EDL: I grew up around it. I always made Barbie clothes. I started styling and it kind of evolved from there. Everything in my life has brought me to this.
SG: What is your inspiration for this collection?
EDL: Hardware, chains, anything you woldn't picture on a dress. A mix of hard and soft, chiffon and steel, color, movement... and versatility because we are in a recession. [My line] is edgy, chic, fun but still a little sophisticated.

SG: Do you already have any celebrities in mind who would wear it?
EDL: Rhianna, Madonna, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga, Renee Zellweger... It's for everyone - a classic silhouette beneath the chains.
SG: Biggest challenge about putting this show together?
EDL: Everything. Making sure I'm gonna have a good collection. I never realized it was so much work. I had a great idea about a great show.... [I learned] it's only looks glamorous and its not a one man show.
SG: I heard that when you took patterns, you really struggled with it. So what made you jump into producing your own show?
EDL: I did. Now that I'm starting to produce, I have to get it done but I like draping better. There is no rhyme or reason to fashion - you can just make it what you want... I opened for a fashion designer Mike Benet in August. It was just 6 random pieces I made in school but when I came out on that stage, that high - I knew that I wanted to show people that I could do that. I was addicted to feel of the show. And that high is so addictiing but at the end of the day, it's an accomplishment.

SG: So what are you trying to get out of this show?
EDL: Recognintion, buyers, clients for styling... and I'm trying to become Dallas' next fashion icon.
SG: That's a pretty big goal - Dallas' Next Fashion Icon. Sounds like a TV Show.
BD: Surreal.
EDL: Stay tuned. Keep your eyes and ears open cause I'm taking over Dallas.
BD: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio
EDL: With you as my publicist...
SG: [laughs] We'll see.
Elia's fashion show will be held Sunday, December 6th @ ENCORE here in Dallas. Admission is FREE and open to anyone 18+.
You check out Elia's website: FashionPsychos.com and add her to your Facebook or Myspace. She always welcomes more friends. She also has a small personal blog that has been documenting the fun of producing your own fashion show: FashionPsychos.blogspot.com

The Style Geek
P.S. More on Bladi to come.
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