Wednesday, November 18, 2009

[OOTD] Staying Warm & Cute

daily November 17 2009 Outfit,street fashion dallas lesbian lez style style geekCurrently taking my lunch at work. Been a little stressed by the time crunches between blogs, this job, school and all my little side jobs. I work well under pressure, though, just don't get in my way lol.

This was my outfit yesterday. It was mainly a school day and even though I have tests and studying coming out of my ears right now, a fun, carefree outfit always cheers me up. And so does a picnic with my girlfriend.

street fashion dallas lesbian lez style style geek

She and her best friend coordinated this double-date picnic. Lesbians, so romantic in 50* weather. Yes, it finally feels like November here in Dallas. The funny thing is that by next week, it will probably warm up to 70* again.

"If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 30 minutes" as my old government teacher use to say.

I won't lie though: my outfit was inspired by the street snap over at These ladies sure know how to stay warm! And they look so cute!

street fashion, dallas, lesbian, lez, style geek, tokyo fashion street fashion, dallas, lesbian, lez, style geek, tokyo fashion street fashion, dallas, lesbian, lez, style geek, tokyo fashion

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