Pieces by Elia de Leon
I'm a little late with this feature due to damn-busy-life but I finally caught up with designers-in-the-making Elia De Leon and Bladi Duran. I went to Bladi's apartment to pick up a dress by Elia to wear to the Dallas Fashion and Lifestyle Awards Friday night. Shiny fabric and sequins fly as they prepared for Elia's upcoming fashion show here in Dallas. It's only two weeks away.

Elia currently works in the retail business and does some styling under her company name: Fashion Psychos. Her line, however, will carry her name Elia De Leon. Rolls right off your tongue, right? Although, Bladi also designs, he won't be showing on the runway that night. He's trying to get experience for producing his own show. "I'll help," chimes in Elia from a puddle of fabric.
SG: When did you know you wanted to be a fashion designer?EDL: I grew up around it. I always made Barbie clothes. I started styling and it kind of evolved from there. Everything in my life has brought me to this.
SG: What is your inspiration for this collection?EDL: Hardware, chains, anything you woldn't picture on a dress. A mix of hard and soft, chiffon and steel, color, movement... and versatility because we are in a recession. [My line] is edgy, chic, fun but still a little sophisticated.
SG: Do you already have any celebrities in mind who would wear it?EDL: Rhianna, Madonna, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga, Renee Zellweger... It's for everyone - a classic silhouette beneath the chains.
SG: Biggest challenge about putting this show together?EDL: Everything. Making sure I'm gonna have a good collection. I never realized it was so much work. I had a great idea about a great show.... [I learned] it's only looks glamorous and its not a one man show.
SG: I heard that when you took patterns, you really struggled with it. So what made you jump into producing your own show?EDL: I did. Now that I'm starting to produce, I have to get it done but I like draping better. There is no rhyme or reason to fashion - you can just make it what you want... I opened for a fashion designer Mike Benet in August. It was just 6 random pieces I made in school but when I came out on that stage, that high - I knew that I wanted to show people that I could do that. I was addicted to feel of the show. And that high is so addictiing but at the end of the day, it's an accomplishment.
SG: So what are you trying to get out of this show?EDL: Recognintion, buyers, clients for styling... and I'm trying to become Dallas' next fashion icon.
SG: That's a pretty big goal - Dallas' Next Fashion Icon. Sounds like a TV Show.BD: Surreal.
EDL: Stay tuned. Keep your eyes and ears open cause I'm taking over Dallas.
BD: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio
EDL: With you as my publicist...
SG: [laughs] We'll see.Elia's fashion show will be held Sunday, December 6th @ ENCORE here in Dallas. Admission is FREE and open to anyone 18+.
You check out Elia's website: FashionPsychos.com and add her to your
Facebook or
Myspace. She always welcomes more friends. She also has a small personal blog that has been documenting the fun of producing your own fashion show:
The Style Geek
P.S. More on Bladi to come.