I recently got lost on Etsy while I was suppose to be uploading some new bows for Faye's Realm. It's really easy to get sidetracked in a digital sea of creative people.
upcoming Doctor Who 50th Anniversary 3D Special was heavily on my mind as I live in one of the cities that is doing a simulcast that Saturday. The tickets sold out quickly and I felt like a bad fan but Alex and I were debating going because 3D movies give her motion sickness. Also, we wanted to go with friends - nerdy fangirling is a lot more fun in groups.
Back on Etsy, a single Tardis bow led me down a rabbit hole of wishlist making. My closet is shamefully lacking as geeky girl, and while I don't wear a lot of blue, I think it could use some. In no specific order, these were my favorite finds: