I was deadly sick yesterday but I still managed to go out with Alex and our friend Allison. She needed the distraction. We went to Entertainmart looking for Repo Man, a musical with bloody organs. My baby is a freak - she likes to make out with bloody horror movies in the background. Don't judge. You're probably weirder. (^___^)
But the world needs weird people - people who aren't afraid to be out of the box - the square pegs in the round holes... This girl represents that - she looks cute and you can tell she's a square peg. XP
تتميز خدمات صيانة كريازي التي تقدمها شركة ايجي هيلب من خلال المراكز المعتمدة الموجودة في مصر بأنها تتم على يد فريق متخصص من فنيين الصيانة ذوي المهارة العالية و الخبرة في اصلاح كافة الاعطال المتنوعة .